Richard D. Hall Talks About 9/11 Video Evidence

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35 Responses to Richard D. Hall Talks About 9/11 Video Evidence

  1. tuscanforest says:

    Scientists who know planes couldn’t do what they supposedly did, are afraid to talk up. I’ve written heads of physics departments asking them to explain the physics that accounts for what we saw – no replies. None. Kevin Barrett is lost a posh job. Chris Hedges criticized the Iraq war, and is now teaching convicts and trying to sell books to make ends meet. If you get serious about 911 you lose your livelihood. You don’t eat. You have nothing. My God, people are still talking about Oswald being the lone gunman! E. Howard Hunt faced a jury which found him guilty of conspiracy in the JFK murder, and nobody knows about it.
    Until we can expose the shadow government and have mass, public executions of these bastards, freedom will remain a sham.

    • Try going to METRON AVIATION AND THESE FOUR NAMES ‘JACK KIES , BEN SLINEY , JANE GARVEY , MONTE BELGER . Million Dollars a year club from / for their roles on 911 . The top four executives . Also THE COHEN GROUP , right after inauguration of King George the forty TURD .

  2. onebornfree says:

    William02138 said : “You’re using the clock on the TV screen to know what time something on the video happened, yes? The simplest explanation is the clock was a few seconds off on one or both TV stations’ equipment.”

    Your timing question/observation is normal. However, I believe my article fully explores/considers the issue of network time delays [mandatory or otherwise], and of their alleged real broadcast times.

    _If_ you read it all the way through you will see that I gave 14 pictorial examples of where the networks were perfectly in synch prior to the 2nd plane strike – in fact, they were so “in synch” as to be broadcasting the exact same image feed as their competitors on numerous occasions within the 11 min. time window 8.52 – 9.03 am , but before the 2nd hit. 🙂

    Regards, onebornfree.

  3. onebornfree says:

    Mr Hall [and Mr Reynolds], the MSM live feeds for the 9/11 events were all faked beforehand, and then run as “live”.

    Why else would the Fl. 175 strike occur 3 seconds apart on CBS and ABC on “live” TV?

    See: “9/11, Deja Vu, and “The Matrix” “:

    Regards, onebornfree.

    • The more you slow down the “phony ” video’s , the more you see the falsified information , . The low Radar Tracon N90 , reported that the information they were receiving( notification ) was not , say 18 minutes ? but seconds , the PLANES came out of nowhere . And so did the information . Thank you , ONEBORNFREE .

    • william02138 says:

      You’re using the clock on the TV screen to know what time something on the video happened, yes? The simplest explanation is the clock was a few seconds off on one or both TV stations’ equipment. Or maybe the ‘slow’ station chose to put a 3 second delay on all live broadcasts. Or maybe they both had delays, but of unequal amounts.

      Here’s a simple test: Find recordings of several other live, unscheduled new events from that era that were covered by multiple stations and see if they exhibit this phenomena too. Do they all sync perfectly, or was it common for things to be delayed or mislabeled by a few seconds?

  4. onebornfree says:

    Here is an article I wrote on a very simple, but very important, legal concept [the burden of proof], to which Richard Hall, Mr Reynolds, A. Johnson, Judy Wood, Jim Fetzer etc. etc. all appear to be completely oblivious 🙂 :

    “9/11 Scams: The 9/11 “Truth Movement” Versus “The Burden of Proof”” :

    Regards, onebornfree

  5. onebornfree says:

    “Why Jim Fetzer /Richard Hall/Ace Baker etc. Are Wrong About This Fl.175 Video [Hezarkhani] ”

    One Easy To See Reason Why The Hezarkhani Fl.175 Video Is 100% Computer-Faked:

    Regards, onebornfree.

  6. onebornfree says:

    “9/11 Video & Victim Fakery and”The Matrix”, Versus Your Freedom”
    Or: The Complete 9/11 Psy-op : Computer Simulated Plane Crashes, Computer Simulated Building Collapses; and Computer Generated [Faked] Victim Photos:

    Regards, onebornfree.

  7. onebornfree says:

    “Andrew Johnson 911 said ” I am not anonymous and waddyaknow – you are – so even your insults carry absolutely no weight at all. ”

    What’s up Johnson, no thinly veiled threats this time out ?

    Give it up. You’ve got nothing if all you’ve got is “obf’s anonymous” . That’s not an argument, it’s transparent bullshit is what it is.

    It’s a good job nobody told the Anti- Federalists that their arguments were entirely irrelevant because they were nearly all published anonymously, ‘ else we’d never have got the Bill of Rights over here. 🙂

    But I understand, you need to be grasping at straws[you’ve got nothing else] 🙂

    Andrew Johnson said : “Now, returning to the evidence….”

    Obviously, no one ever told you, or J. Wood et al : IT’S NOT EVIDENCE UNTIL IT’S PROVEN TO BE GENUINE! Until that time it is only -allegedly_, or _possibly_ evidence.

    Meaning, _any_/all alleged photos/videos of the 9/11 events have to first be very closely checked to find out if they are actually genuine.

    Wood has never bothered to do that, making her conclusions to date, [and yours] , in as much as they are based on videos/photos, nothing more than naked , idle speculation.

    For example, she has 2 entirely contradictory [yet supposedly genuine] photos depicting the alleged WTC2 top tilt on her site – in one the tilt is south, and in the other, east.

    See: “The WTC2 Top Tilt Scam” :

    Johnson, the jig’s up, and more and more people are coming to see that Wood’s 9/11 “research” is a fraud, plain and simple- and by extension, so are you.

    “Check the evidence” indeed 🙂 . Yeah……. right [you never have]!

    no regards, obf.

  8. Gaz says:

    “Fear not the path of truth for the lack of People walking on it” Robert Kennedy

    Richard Hall has been looking into this subject for many years. Like many others who follow something similar it will always change and evolve. Especially as this is an area shrouded in mystery and complete BULLSHIT from mainstream media.

    911 will never be fully solved, the who ones actually did it may never be named and shamed. And the means to carry it out never fully understood. But like Richard has done and Morgan Reynolds YOU KEEP WALKING THE PATH.

    • Last comment : interested in the truth , stop looking for flaws in the physical action of 911 , It is in the Human Sector which will give you not only an insight , but the truth . Begin with the FAA , check out all the characters ; then check out the Resume of Wilmer Hale Dorr Cutler Pickering :the RING behind the action , ” Gorelick , runs the firm listed here . She as all the government contracts , besides working at United Technologies with Whitman and Myers . etc etc .
      911 Commission smoked everyone out .

    • I know this is off the beaten track ,but the Kennedy’s have been pushed out of the JFK School of Government ,; by Dick Gergen , (Nixon ) and the Neo-cons who wrote the PNAC there . This was approved by the Trust?ees of Harvard . You have professors there now that one should look up. The role of Meghan O’Sullivan (Bob Woodward , The WarWithin “. What a shamble that was . Bush had this Meghan ,as his own Director of the Iraq War , She filled another kind of need at the Iraq war front . Petraeus was compromised here first , for bush’s pleasure ,( 38 years old , no military experience ) You can see Monica ‘s moniker over all this only more mature .
      He was taking advice for the war from anyone who wanted to give some . AEI , Lyn Cheney .little wifey of little dickie . etc etc etc .

  9. gmo2ashes says:

    First of all, Mr. Hall seems a bit confused – as he re-interprets previously well-discussed research. In the beginning of his video, he compares and misrepresents central core columns (on the right) with exterior columns. Why? Is he just a misinformed amateur looking for attention? IMO, his missile theory is obtuse. Why would the perps want to risk launching a missile with Hollywood SFX explosives already planted in the building? Planes, missiles – too much for the perps to keep track of; better to just stick with video fakery.

    • onebornfree says:

      gmo2ashes said: “Planes, missiles – too much for the perps to keep track of; better to just stick with video fakery.”

      True enough, but to find evidence of video fakery, a real 9/11 researcher would have to go to the trouble of actually taking the time to closely analyze the various allegedly live video sequences, and at least have a clue about the more obvious signs of video fakery, which Hall appears ignorant of.

      Even if he’s not ignorant, I’m willing to bet that he is, just like most of the rest of the “9/11 truth/research” crowd, e.g. Judy Wood, Andrew Johnson, Morgan Reynolds, Ace Baker, Jim Fetzer, Don Fox, Dmitri Kalezov, Anthony Lawson etc. etc., entirely unwilling to throw his own “research” in the trash, remove all bias for or against, and “go back to the drawing board” in order to take a very close look at the imagery we were/are presented with regarding the alleged events of 9/11.


    • Gee MO 2 Ashes : This is what keeps these people going . Make up stories to the best ability of their mastery of Shakespeare , NOT .( I am not either , a writer , or scientist ,)
      Dr. Morgan knows that i prefer to research the ? The last meeting on June 17 , 2004 ;FAA ; 4 witnesses that lied and the Commission was complicit in all the lies .
      911 was orchestrated and executed by BENEDICT SLINEY , he was in charge at FAA HQ. in Herndon , Va.
      washington HQ. was 25 miles away ; where Monte Belger was supposed to be in charge .He was on the “potty “, when his secretary ,Shirley Miller went after him to tell him about Fl. 11 ; when they got back to the OPERATIONS CENTER , Jeff Griffeths ( the 3rd witness ; the others being Sliney and Belger ) all lied about their positions and duties . )
      The 2nd plane had been hijacked ; ( 911 Report , page 22 , states that Fl. 175 , told NY air space , that he wasn’t going there yet ,because he heard some strange talk on his radio ? . He was hijacked in 2 minutes time after that ? ” )
      Zelikow never mentions this in the opening statement ,” june 17 , 2004 , while discussing time of hijacked planes .
      There were NO hijack coordinators anywhere on 911 ; Colin Scoggins was the only contact between FAA and Norad /Neads . He actually lied to them about Flight 11 , ;it was still flying , heading towards Washington . He gave Col. Dawn Deskins , 5 different location where 11 was supposed to be . They were all false , she never found it anywhere .
      COMM > Ben Veniste , blasts the military for not reporting this earlier in the year . ” It was not in the book “, Air War Over America “. Try to find that book today ? If you want to pay exorbitant prices on EBay .

    • Jim says:

      The missile theory is that it creates a ‘zoom’ sound to impress witnesses into thinking of a plane hit. The smoke was computer generated so that’s irrelevant. But a missile might have damaged the implosion wires – that is why they would have avoided using one.

  10. onebornfree says:

    Andrew Johnson said :” That’s funny coming from an anonymous noise-generating poster …. anonymous noise-generating posters who have value-less opinions and under different circumstances may be prosecuted for attempting to pervert the course of justice.”

    Johnson, your post is fallicious, transparent drivel that, as per usual, does not deserve a serious response. As for your veiled threat- you are full of $hit [as usual], you obnoxious little twerp. “Check the Evidence” indeed :-).

    No regards, obf.

  11. Planes and speed in a downward trend , slow considerably because the pressure would tear that plane in pieces . How long will it take for enough people to prove that .Every pilot of this type of plane is certainly well aware of that . Flight 1989 , and Cleveland Airport . The only real plane ,but passengers disappear ?
    Flight 93 was made into several movies . One of them had the top man from the FAA in the movie , playing a Air Traffic Controller ,playing himself , reliving the Horrors of the day . USAToday showed this in 2006 ? Who was this man ? The executor of the orchestrated 911 scenario ; He was hired by ( a successful Lawyer from NY. with extensive white collar criminals has clients ) Jack Kies , who was supposed to be on duty on 911 : He promised Sliney so much money ,that Sliney did not have to worry about life after 911.
    Kies went to the Boston Center in Nashua ,NH : He did not stay in Herndon , Va. to greet his protege . Too much history here for me to print it all at this time . …………………………………….
    To put it in perspective , to put all this together , you have to name the players and there history .
    For a better description of individuals , i suggest “:History Commons “, they are loaded with so much detailed write ups on so many people ;great place to begin an investigation in any part of 911 .
    Jane Garvey , Administrator of FAA ( kicked out of Logan Airport , Boston , Ma ).
    Monte Belger , Deputy Administrator ,takes the lead at the June 17, 2004 hearings by the 911 commission .
    Colin Scoggins ,the only FAA employee that was in contact with the military that morning .Gave them wrong info on Flight 11 ; verified by NORAD and Ben Veniste at the hearing of the military ,before the FAA and the same day . “Air War Over America “, was mentioned by Ben Veniste .
    I have not been able to find the book .
    These 3 and the 2 at the top are the main characters exploiting the 2 hours of 9/11/2001 .
    Of course ,they had plenty of help from the bush administration .

  12. onebornfree says:

    William 01238 said : “I can’t tell what your point is about the building moving while the plane is stationary. It looks like once the plane came into view he tried to track the plane. So for a moment the camera is fixed on the plane rather than the building. So what?

    I need to explain more in my post I guess- but I’ll do it here for now then update the post later.

    The plane image is supposedly moving at over 500 mph across screen.

    The simple fact is that it is impossible for a camera held by an individual to accurately track an object moving at that speed, not without significant image blur from frame to frame.

    If you don’t believe me [understandable], try asking a professional sports photographer who has to photograph Formula 1 race cars for a living, cars which routinely travel at about one third of the alleged speed of the plane image in the Hezarkhani video – and they’ll tell you the cars are impossible to accurately track at that speed [ 100+ mph].

    This means that any/all 9/11 videos showing, and successfully tracking, from fairly close up, a plane moving across the sky, where the camera operator is forced to track the plane image via “panning” the camera to keep it in view, and does so successfully [i.e without significant image blur], are fakes. To do so successfully [no blur] is physically impossible.

    And furthermore, to keep the 500 mph plane image perfectly centered for several frames[as I reveal in my post: ], as it is been so miraculously tracked is _doubly_ impossible.

    P.S. It is also worth bearing in mind that the Hezarkhani video was allegedly shot with a hand held camera, from the deck of a boat; that is, an unstable platform environment.

    Regards onebornfree.

  13. No matter ; the shots on 911 showed a “phony ” funny plane . It was /is so faked , you did not have to be an engineer to deduce the action . There are 5 engineers in my family , not one can see past their noses . Slow motion and all . The one who thinks there is no one smarter ( the oldest in the bunch ) republican die hard . , says the planes ” evaporated ” , or like Harry Potter they , asparated ? . Magic Cloak type of thing , because no one sees it after the crash . Sorry , i have to go back to my Engineering class ;Chemical engineer ,NOT .

    • william02138 says:

      What do you think a real 767 crashing into the south tower at 560mph should have looked like? Keep in mind the columns were only 14″ wide. Even if the columns miraculously survived a 767 crashing into them, the spaces between the columns were 27″ wide — mostly glass. Do you think the bits of broken plane should have all just bunched up on the outside of the building? That would have looked phony to me.

  14. onebornfree says:

    William02138 said : “Dude, the building is in the foreground. Just five minutes on Google Earth shows it’s the building at Morris St. and Washington St., ”

    Thanks for reminding me, William. Someone else had told me something similar, and I’ve been meaning to research the location of the building and perhaps delete that video from the post for a couple of weeks now, but have been too busy. So I will remove the video until I can definitively establish the buildings real location- again, thanks for reminding me.

    However, my post consisted of TWO entirely different analysis’ that demonstrate that the Hezarkhani video is a fraud, if you check my post. That second analysis [where the plane is stationary and the building moves towards it will now become the only one [unless I can later firmly establish that the building in the 1st video is behind the WTC. ]

    William02138 said :” and the video was shot from the vicinity of Battery Park.”

    As far as I’m aware, the Hezarkhani video was supposed to have been shot from a deck of a boat in the river.

    But how does any of this disprove any of what I’ve stated here about Hall’s thesis, namely :

    “If one assumes, just for the sake of argument, that he is correct [i.e. plane paths all match], that IN NO WAY could prove that all the videos are genuine – they could all have still been easily faked on the same computer, or , on different computers with access to the same original source material.

    To claim that they are all genuine just because they all supposedly match is 100% logically inconsistent.

    And besides, the SIMPLE “PLANE” AS DAY FACT is that the plane paths most certainly do _not_ match, as I show in my 4 part analysis of Hall’s thesis:

    Hall Lies:

    In fact, in his video, to prove his claim that the flight paths all matched, Hall has actually lied about the true path of the plane in at least one famous Fl.175 video he reviews, drawing a line on screen for its path that the plane does not in even follow in the original video, as I show in my analysis of Hall’s thesis linked above.”

    regards, onebornfree

    • william02138 says:

      Hezarkhani may have been in a boat. If so, that boat was very close to Battery Park. Maybe it was at the dock there. I determined this by using Google Earth first to identify the two surviving buildings in the scene, then to line them up with each other and with the new WTC tower, This is great for determining the direction of the camera, and for confirming that I identified the correct buildings, but it gives only a rough approximation of how far the camera was from those buildings.

      I can’t tell what your point is about the building moving while the plane is stationary. It looks like once the plane came into view he tried to track the plane. So for a moment the camera is fixed on the plane rather than the building. So what?

  15. onebornfree says:

    Hall claims that all of the plane paths in the 26 videos he analyzed matched each other.

    If one assumes, just for the sake of argument, that he is correct [i.e. they match], that IN NO WAY could prove that they are all genuine – they could all have still been easily faked on the same computer, or , on different computers with access to the same original source material.

    To claim that they are all genuine just because they all supposedly match is 100% logically inconsistent.

    And besides, the SIMPLE “PLANE” AS DAY FACT is that the plane paths most certainly do _not_ match, as I show in my 4 part analysis of Hall’s thesis:

    Hall Lies:

    In fact, in his video, to prove his claim that the flight paths all matched, Hall has actually lied about the true path of the plane in at least one famous Fl.175 video he reviews, drawing a line on screen for its path that the plane does not in even follow in the original video, as I show in my analysis of Hall’s thesis linked above.

    In Conclusion:

    Like Judy Wood, Andrew Johnson,Ace Baker, Dmitri Kalezov, Jim Fetzer, Don Fox , Stephen Jones and the rest of the “gang”, Mr Hall is either a very bad researcher or he is a paid distraction agent whose job is to deliberately mislead.
    Regards, obf.

    • william02138 says:

      So, are you a ‘very bad researcher’ or a ‘paid distraction agent’? In your analysis you claim the Hezarkhani video is fake because it shows the left wing of Flight 175 disappearing “impossibly” behind a building you insist is in the background relative to the towers.

      Dude, the building is in the foreground.

      Just five minutes on Google Earth shows it’s the building at Morris St. and Washington St., and the video was shot from the vicinity of Battery Park.

    • “Like Judy Wood, Andrew Johnson,Ace Baker, Dmitri Kalezov, Jim Fetzer, Don Fox , Stephen Jones and the rest of the “gang”, Mr Hall is either a very bad researcher or he is a paid distraction agent whose job is to deliberately mislead.
      Regards, obf.”

      That’s funny coming from an anonymous noise-generating poster – I wouldn’t know if you’d contacted me to ask me questions and determine if I fit your evidence-free description. Unlucky for you that I have been invited by people to give public talks where I invite the audience to ask me any questions they might have about my background. You’re just an anonymous keyboard – unless, of course, you email and tell me different – and send me a video of one of your public talks or similar.

      Looks like you’re “one born owned” from where I’m typing.

      Everyone else can read my free ebook where I talk about anonymous noise-generating posters who have value-less opinions and under different circumstances may be prosecuted for attempting to pervert the course of justice.

  16. What a fantastic display of the truth ;if we/YOU could STUFF it down the congressional hole of politicians , IF only , that is one big piece of artistic capabilities that NEADS to be placed ,where it would do most good ;ARAMARK restaurant in the Pentagon . The one in the WTC is gone . Thank you and Dr. Morgan Reynolds

  17. Thomas Potter says:

    In Chapter 19, page 413, of WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO? Dr. Wood reviews the evidence of fluctuations in the Earth’s magnetic field and 5 key WTC events.

    1.) WTC1 cookie cutout plane shaped hole appears at 8:46:26 AM
    2.) WTC2 cookie cutout plane shaped hole appears at 9:02:54 AM
    3.) WTC2 “dustification” begins at 9:59:04 AM
    4.) WTC1 “dustification” begins at 10:28:31 AM

    Accidents are not symmetrical (unless it happened on 9/11)

  18. onebornfree says:

    Mr Hall is flat out _wrong_ concerning the use of holographic plane imagery on 911.

    See : “Total 9/11 Video Fakery vs. Richard Hall’s Holographic Plane Hypothesis: A Critique”:

    Regards onebornfree

  19. John says:

    I agree with most of what Mr. Hall is saying. Yes, witnesses (and their cameras) saw a real airplane image approach the south tower. Using a projected image would require MANY fewer moving parts than inserting a CGI airplane, after the fact, into every photo and video taken that day.

    But what about the plane-shaped holes in the WTC? How does a missile create such a precise shape? I say skip the missile. Use directed energy to create the explosions + plane-shaped holes. Doesn’t that make better sense?

    • william02138 says:

      Why not use airplanes to make the airplane-shaped holes? If there’s some aspect of this you think can’t be so, try to explain it instead of making up totally new stuff. Doesn’t that make the best sense?

      I liked Hall’s analysis of the airplane path — competently done as far as I could tell.

      Too bad he didn’t put some thought into the notion that a 767 can’t fly that speed at sea level, instead of just taking John Lear’s word for it. This Boeing engineer says he did it in a simulator: I’ll take the simulator’s result over John Lear’s speculation any day.

      And he fell for the straw man argument that ‘there is no way an aluminum wing will “win” against steel columns’. No kidding, the wings lost — and that’s what the official explanation says. The columns were just cracked in two and the ends were bent a little, but the wings were shredded to bits. Why is that so hard for people to comprehend? Note that the columns he showed in the video looked like the wrong columns. The columns where the planes hit were made of much thinner steel.

      • Too bad you never watched all of Hall’s analysis where he talks about the speed issue. We discussed, partly, how the holes might have been created. It was using some type of energy discharge.

        • I have just watched Mr. Hall’s video . He is absolutely correct regarding speed at that altitude ; going through anything , let alone steel , there would have been more parts found immediately .
          Signor Rumsfeld found a piece of “airplane ” while running to help , YUCK , the victims ,casualties . He picked up and yelled , “American Airlines ” . Whatever happened to that piece , at the Pentagon of course .
          I also read somewhere that , 5 Raytheon executives died , shortly after 911 . Part of the Missile group ?
          The 911 commissioners , never , ever asked direct questions re: this factor . The 4 Executives that were interviewed from the different airlines , were not involved on 911 .
          They were suits from the top , just like the rest of the witnesses . People have no broad knowledge of the 911 Commission being part of the 911 Report , which it was NOT.
          The war began March 23 , 2003 ; the commission ‘s first meeting , March 31 , 2003 . How’s that for drowning out the 99 %, who did not know about the 911 Commission .
          Dear Mr. Hall , NORAD atc ‘s mentioned SIMS during the attack , they did not believe it was the “excersises “,/ The comment by one sargent was “lets get rid of these sims , at the NORAD’S Hdqtr.
          Colin Scoggins , from the FAA , was the only one in contact with the military . No one brought him in for questioning , his statement to 911 Staff did not raise any eye brows .
          The FAA was in complete charge of the events on 911 ; Clapper , at NIMA ? was also helping out .
          RAND ran the A.F. See AMEC and Dick Cheney ( who worked well with Lee Hamilton )
          on the Iran / Contra investigation in 1986 .

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